Sunday, November 16, 2014

Six Weeks Till What???

Can you believe that it's only six weeks until Christmas?  ACK!! It sneaked up on me again. I think it always seems to arrive so quickly because of living in Florida.

If you live someplace where it gets cold, then in September-October when the air turns crisp, you probably start thinking wintery thoughts and expecting the holiday season. But here in Florida, one day it's summer and you're hanging out at the pool or beach, and the next darn's Christmas! There's no warning, no leading up to it, all of a sudden it's just December.

I really think that's why I'm not prepared for it every year.

But this year, Danielle, who writes the blog My Crazy Family Circus, is making sure that we are all prepared for the holidays. She has put together a list of the most disgusting toys that you can buy as presents this year. Guess how many of them involve poo or pee?

I really can't believe that people actually buy these things! If your kid wants a pooping pet so badly, send him or her to my house. I'll let them pet my cat and clean up her litter box!

Yep...It's poop-scooping Barbie!
