I can't believe how much I miss Ava. She called me up tonight, and while I was talking to her tears started pouring down my face. I know being there is the best thing for her, but I can't stand not seeing her.
I guess I will start another CARE package for her. Sending them makes me feel better for some reason. Maybe because then I feel like part of me is with her. She wants me to bead her a butterfly, so I am trying to make a butterfly hair clip and earrings for her.
Since I'm not working right now, I'm learning how to live on very little money. By the time I go back to work I'll be so good at it that I'll be able to save up every spare penny (after I pay off my back bills) so that I can take a trip to Seattle and see my little mija. I can't wait until I can see her again, but I'm afraid it's going to be a while. Thank goodness for phones and mail in the meantime.