Sunday, November 29, 2020

Coronavirus Update - November 2020

 I’m mainly writing these updates so that I can look back in a few years and remember how this was. A pandemic like this is a once in a century occurrence. The last one was the Spanish flu of 1918-1921. 

As of today, we’ve had 266,000 deaths from the virus and there are another 91,000 people in the hospital. It seems like the deaths are increasing faster than they were in past months. 

The unemployment rate is down to 6.9%, but there are still a lot of people out of work and long lines at the food banks. 

Toilet paper and cleaning supplies are just about unavailable in the stores again, due to people hoarding them.

Two companies have made Covid vaccines and have applied to the FDA for an emergency authorization to distribute them. I don’t know how long that takes to receive. If it is received, the vaccine will first be given to health care workers, then people who are more susceptible to the virus before being made available to the general public. So it could still be quite a while before everyone can get it. 

Biden won the election! I couldn’t believe it. Trump refuses to accept the fact that he lost, of course. It will be great to have a sane president for awhile. 

Wearing a mask everywhere is starting to feel more normal, but I can’t wait until we don’t have to wear them anymore. They are so uncomfortable and hard to breathe in. Next week I’m going to a 3-day workshop and I’ll have to be wearing a mask all day long. Ugh!

Tyler is doing virtual school on the computer, so I get to monitor that all day since Stacy is working. Some days are easier than others. He doesn’t really pay attention, and then he wants me to help him with all his assignments. I don’t mind giving some help, but not answering all the questions for him. 

Ava is moving here the end of December. I hope Tara can handle a teenager!  

Until next time,


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