Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Coronavirus - April 2020

This is a really strange time in our lives.  It started in February with people getting sick with a new virus in Wuhan, China.  Then as it started spreading around the world, we were told it was very contagious. The first thing that happened to change our lives was that in the beginning of March, all schools were closed - for two weeks we were told. Then restaurants were closed for eat-in service. They could only do delivery or takeout.

The next thing we were told was that schools would not be reopening this year and children must do their school learning online. Hmmm...try getting a 6 year-old to go to school online.  Also, all "non-essential" businesses were told to close. The beaches are closed. Doctor appointments are done by phone. Even court is being held by phone, if at all.

Now, we are told that we must remain in our houses, no visiting, and if we do go out for an essential errand, such as grocery shopping, we must wear masks and keep 6 feet of distance between people. They are calling it "social distancing" guidelines. Every day it seems like a new restriction. I miss seeing my other daughter who doesn't live with me and my grandchildren. Luckily I have my jewelry making to keep me busy at home, but I will soon be running out of supplies.

People are panic buying and the grocery shelves are bare of some items. One of those items being toilet paper, for some weird reason.  Luckily, Stacy works at a pharmacy, which is an essential business so she still has a job and also can buy a package of toilet paper before it goes on the shelf.

Unemployment is at 10% already and will probably go much higher as more businesses shut their doors. There are over 630,000 cases of this coronavirus, or Covid-19, in the USA as of this date and 32,000+ people have died. It is reminding some people of the flu pandemic of 1918.

Scientists are working on a vaccine, but say it will probably be 18 months before they will have one ready. Who knows how long this pandemic will last? And even if/when it is over, will things ever go back to normal as we knew it?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen this amen x