Friday, May 01, 2020

Pandemic Update

When was my last post, 4/15? Now it's 5/1, and the deaths from Covid-19 have almost doubled, up to 63,000 in only two weeks.

In just the last 6 weeks, 1 in 5 Americans have applied for unemployment. The unemployment rate is 14.7%. And what about those who have lost their jobs but don't qualify for unemployment?

In spite of the fact that the pandemic doesn't seem to be getting any better, some states are relaxing their rules on the lockdown this week. They are allowing retail stores and restaurants to open, but they can only admit 25% of their capacity. Restaurants have to keep their tables 6 feet apart. They also have to use disposable plates, utensils, and menus.

They say that if and when schools open up the desks will have to be 6 feet apart. How is that going to work with school overcrowding?

Florida is partially relaxing their rules, except for three counties, one of which is mine.  So we are still on lockdown, only allowed to go out for essential business. And we have to wear masks when we are out and about.

This is what happens when you keep a six-year-old on lockdown for two months.

I mostly am making jewelry in my studio to keep busy, though who knows when we will ever have markets where I can sell it again.

Signing off for now,


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