Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Holding Steady

So, in the month since I’ve last posted, coronavirus deaths in the USA have risen to over 100,000. New cases in 10 states are declining, in 18 states are rising, and in 22 states are holding steady.

The country is still in Phase One of re-opening. Restaurants and retail stores can operate at 25% capacity, tables must be six feet apart. Hair salons can open, but customers must have their temperature taken upon entry, wear masks, and be kept six feet apart. Employees must sanitize fixtures after each customer, and wear masks and gloves (new for each customer). Bars and gyms are closed. Churches are supposed to be closed, but all of a sudden this week Trump deemed them as essential services, so I don’t know if houses of worship will be holding services or not. Masks are still mandatory in public.

One of Stacy’s coworkers tested positive for the virus, so our household is on a 14-day quarantine monitoring for symptoms of the virus.

The news says unemployment is at its worst since the Great Depression.

Trump is telling us there may be a vaccine ready by the end of the year. That would be great, but I’d be a little worried about taking it. Vaccines normally take years to produce and test for effectiveness and safety. With producing it so fast, how do we know there are no long-term side effects? I’ll let everyone else try it before I get in line for a vaccination.

Still no toilet paper in the stores.


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