Saturday, July 25, 2020

Covid Update

Instead of getting better, the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse. Deaths in the US are over 145,000 and cases are over 4 million.

It’s starting to feel normal wearing a mask everywhere. I wonder how long this will last. They are working on making vaccines, and are hopeful that we will have one by the end of the year. The question is, how long will the vaccine protect you? Some experts say protection may last only a few months. I don’t know if that would be long enough to stop the spread.

Unemployment is at 11%.

At least toilet paper is starting to show back up in the stores. Now it’s Lysol that is out of stock everywhere.

The other thing in the news a lot right now is the beginning of the school year coming up. Some cities are opting for online classes while others say they will still hold classes in person. Our school district is opting for the online classes, which means it will be up to me to work with Tyler and keep him on-task during the day since I’m the one at home.  He doesn’t do well with virtual school, so this will be a challenge. We’ll see how it goes. School is supposed to start August 10th, but they may delay it.

It doesn’t look like the farmers markets will be opening this fall since we are still in “phase one” of reopening in Palm Beach County. We would have to get to phase three by October in order to have farmers markets, which means cases of the virus would have to be decreasing. I don’t see that happening so soon but I’m still hopeful. I sell so much more jewelry at the markets than I sell online.

In other, non-virus, news, I am selling all of my beads so that I can make room for my silver supplies. They are on Etsy at my old store, Bead Street Studio. I have everything priced very low for quick sales. I am also still adding new items every day, so if you need beads or findings, hop on over there and pick some up!


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